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Editor Name: Abdel-Badeeh M Salem

Designation: Professor Emeritus

University: Ain Shams University, Cairo

Country: Egypt

Biography: Prof. Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem is a full Professor of Computer Science since 1989 at Faculty of computer and information sciences, Ain Shams University, Egypt. His research includes intelligent computing, artificial intelligence, biomedical informatics, big data analytics, intelligent education and smart learning systems, information mining, knowledge engineering and Biometrics. He  is the  Founder and Chairman  of the Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Research Labs, Ain Sham University, Cairo, Egypt.He is Chairman of Working Group on Bio-Medical Informativs, ISfTeH, Belgium  He has published around 700 papers (115 of them in Scopus). He has been involved in more than 700 International conferences and workshops as; a keynote and plenary speaker, member of Program Committees , workshop/invited session  organizer , Session Chair and  Tutorials.. In addition he was a member of many international societies. In addition he is a member of the Editorial Board of 70 international and national Journals. Also, He is member of many Int. Scientific Societies and associations elected member of Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences, Greece. Member of Alma Mater Europaea of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade and European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision