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Editor Name: Ali Senejani

Designation: Assistant Professor

University: University of New Haven

Country: USA

Biography: I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Environmental Science at the University of New Haven.  I have done my postdoctoral training working on DNA damage and repair in the department of genetics and therapeutic radiology at Yale University Medical School where I worked in the area of DNA damage and repair field. I constructed a knock-in mouse model expressing an impaired DNA repair gene and our results show there are several pathways and developmental stages that DNA repair genes significantly contribute to and these include: DNA repair base excision repair pathway, neurogenesis, meiosis, cancer, and immune development. My Ph.D. in genetics was completed in the department of molecular and cell biology at the University of Connecticut. My Ph.D. dissertation was focused on intein, homing endonuclease and the development of an in vivo selection system to evolve a novel restriction homing endonuclease enzyme; an enzyme that can recognize new large target sites to facilitate gene editing and repair of mutated genes.

Research Interests: To study gene-environment interaction, DNA damage and repair, and contribute to our understanding the correlation between aberrant DNA repair genes, mutagenesis, and their impacts on diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmunity.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision