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Editor Name: Amal Mahmoud Abou AL- Alamein

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Cairo University

Country: Egypt

Biography: Dr. Amal Mahmoud Abou AL- Alamein received her PH.D.Degree in Analytical Chemistry Sciences, (2006), Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University.she is Lecturer of Analytical Chemistry at Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 2006-2016.currently working as Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, since 2016.
Research interests: Qualitative analytical chemistry for analysis of anions and cations, Quantitative and applied analyticalchemistry; acidbasetitrimetry, OxidationReductionReaction, Complexometry, Preciptemetry., Gravimetry, Spectrophotometry, Electrochemistry, Analysis of oils and fats,Analysis ofwater, Chromatography, Quality control and Quality Assurance.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision