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Editor Name: Amy Brock Martin

Designation: Associate Professor

University: James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine MUSC

Country: USA


Dr. Martin is Director of the Division of Population Oral Health (DPOH) at the James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina. 
Dr. Martin is an experienced researcher who has dedicated her career to improving the lives of vulnerable populations.  Dr. Martin’s health policy research foci are vulnerable populations, access to care, oral health, and health information technology with an emphasis on rural healthcare and public health systems.  She has served in the healthcare sector as Director of Education for a rural hospital; Associate Director of the South Carolina Office of Rural Health; and a manager and health policy analyst at the Office of Research and Statistics, Budget and Control Board of South Carolina, and most recently as Deputy Director for the SC Rural Health Research Center at the Arnold School of Public Health, USC where she remains an adjunct faculty and senior investigator.  

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision