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Editor Name: Andrzej J. L. Zieleniec

Designation: Lecturer

University: Keele University

Country: USA

Biography: He has been an interdisciplinary lecturer at Keele since 2007 making teaching and learning contributions in Sociology, Criminology, Geography and Media, Communication and Culture. His particular interests are in the urban but in general he is concerned with the interface between Society, Culture and Space. He is interested in any way in which the lived environment is moulded and shaped by social practices, either those imposed by power or those challenged or colonised by the quotidian practices of a range of social groups. He has used aspects of spatial theory and everyday life in research on urban greenspace, leisure spaces, youth and space and more recently on the colonisation of urban space by graffiti as an act of reclaiming the right to the city. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision