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Antonino Tuttolomondo - Editor

Journal of Diabetes

Editor Name: Antonino Tuttolomondo

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Internal MedicineUniversity of Palermo

Country: Italy

Biography: Dr. Antonino Tuttolomondo received her medical degree from University of Palermo and subsequently completed a Post-Graduate Diploma on Internal Medicine and Genetic and pathophysiology of cardiovascular damage in endocrine metabolic disease at the University of Palermo, Italy. Dr. Antonino Tuttolomondo also had her overseas training as Assistant Professor at the, Department of Internal Medicine at University of Palermo, Italy. Dr. Antonino Tuttolomondo Currently the Associate Professor of the Internal Medicine at University of Palermo, Italy. he also holds membership in other professional societies, including the Italian Society of Internal Medicine (SIMI) in 1998 , Italian Society of Vascular Pathology and Gruppo Italiano di Farmacoepidemiologia dellanziano, ULISSE (Un Link Informatico Sui Servizi Sanitari Esistenti per l’Anziano), Italian Society of Neurology. Author of more than 100 publications mostly published in international journals, ISI and referees committee and medium-high impact factor and inherent in the pathophysiology and epidemiology of ischemic stroke and in particular.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision