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Apollonov Victor Victorovich - Editor

Journal of Physics: Study and Research

Editor Name: Apollonov Victor Victorovich

Designation: Head of Department

University: GPI RAS (General Physics Institute)

Country: Russia

Biography: Apollonov V.V. is the leading specialist in the area of basic principles of creation and development of high power laser systems and high power laser radiation interaction with matter.  He has made an outstanding input into creation and development of new branches of science - physical and technical fundamentals of high power laser optics and adaptive optics, investigation of physical processes in a high volume self-controlled volume discharges, creation of high power continuous wave, pulsed and high repetition rate pulse-periodic laser systems, high intensity laser radiation interaction with matter, high power laser application for an effective  protection of valuable objects and water surface cleaning from oil films, medical applications for UV lasers.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision