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We publish journals with a view to serve various purposes which include but not limited to just peer review, broad distribution, branding and authority, portability and creation of the archive of a body of literature....

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Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat - Editor

Journal of Hematology and Blood Research

Editor Name: Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat

Designation: Professor

University: National Research Centre

Country: Egypt


Baher Effat is a Research Professor of  Food and Dairy Microbiology, National Research Centre, Egypt. Over 36 years of experience in Food and Dairy Bacteriology, he shared and supervised over than 6 Master and Ph.D Thesis in Food and Dairy sciences and more than 61 scientific publications in food  and dairy microbiology, functional dairy products , probiotics and propionic acid bacteria and pathogenic bacteria and in Food and Dairy Products.

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Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat - Editor

Journal of Obesity and Nutritional Science

Editor Name: Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat

Designation: Professor

University: National Research Centre

Country: Egypt

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Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat - Editor

Journal of Microbiology and Current Research

Editor Name: Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat

Designation: Professor

University: National Research Centre

Country: Egypt

Biography: Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat is a Professor at National Research Centre, Egypt.

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