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Editor Name: Bin Wang

Designation: Associate Professor

University: Marshall University

Country: USA


Bin Wang is currently an Associate Professor at Marshall University (USA).  She obtained her Ph.D. (2004) from the Department of Chemistry at Queen’s University (Canada).  Her doctoral studies spanned the areas of analytical chemistry, nanotechnology and surface chemistry, which involved developing polymer materials to fabricate microfluidic devices and the further chemical modification of polymer surfaces for specific microfluidic applications.  After finishing her Ph.D. study, Wang conducted one year of postdoctoral research at Queen’s University’s Cancer Research Institute to develop antigen- and antibody-modified polymer microdevices.  In 2005, Wang accepted a second postdoctoral training position at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).  Her work involved applying the newly developed RNA structural analyzing technology to monitor ligand-induced conformational changes in tRNAs and mRNAs.  Wang joined Marshall University in 2007 as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the College of Science.  She is interested in RNA biochemistry and nanotechnology.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision