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Editor Name: Bormusov Elvira

Designation: Senior Scientist

University: Technion Inst. of Technology

Country: Israel


Bormusov Elvira in 1986 has  protected theses for Ph.D.  Sciences at the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases Helmholz( Pathological Physiology , Histology and Embryology)  The use of low-frequency U.S. ENKAD in toxic injury of rabbit ocular tissues , studies of its effect on the metabolism of the cornea and lens epithelium of animals of different ages. She worked at the Odessa Medical Institute , Central Research Laboratory . Since 1987, Medicine Research Institute Senior Researcher transport. Toxicometric, physiological, biochemical tests, allergenic and neurotoxic effects of paints , varnishes and their impact on the individual components of organisms white rats. Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine Senior Researcher 2002-present and Cell Biology andThe Lloyd Rigler Sleep Apnea Research Laboratory Technion, Haifa, Israel. The study of electromagnetic radiation ( cell phone ), high oxygen load and high temperature , diabetes , smoking tobacco on bovine lens epithelium (in vitro ) and the protection of their antioxidants.andthe project of researches of effect  of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) on plaque human formation. Published: 102 publications. Israel : 18 articles published in professional journals and27 at conferences in  different countries.

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Peer Review
Editor's Decision