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Editor Name: Esra Küpeli Akkol

Designation: Professor

University: University of Gazi

Country: Turkey


Dr. Esra Küpeli Akkol was born in Turkey. She got her Bachelor of Science degree in Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, Turkey and got her Ph.D. degree in Pharmacognosy Department from the University of Gazi. She is currently Professor in the Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy. She served in many capacities in her field including service on several editorial boards and numerous review committees for journals such as Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Journal of PharmacySciences, The Internet Journal of Herbaland Plant Medicine, International Journal of Genuine Traditional Medicine, Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine and The Open Pain Journal. She has conducted 45 projects and 13 thesis in Gazi University. She has 160 published articles in SCI International Journals, 13 articles in National Journals and 10 chapters in International books.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision