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Editor Name: Fuyong Jiao

Designation: Professor

University: Xi,an Jiaotong University

Country: China

Biography: Jiao Fuyong, former Dean of Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, temporary counsel of WH0, president of Shaanxi Provincial Children's Health Promotion Association, vice president of Shaanxi International Medical Association, head of Shaanxi Provincial Pediatrics Research Center, pediatric allergy in Asia Pacific The person in charge of the Asthma Clinic and the Children's Hospital of Henan Province (Children's Hospital affiliated to Zhengzhou University) is a special expert. In 1992, he received a government subsidy from the State Council. He studied in Australia, Italy, Sweden, and Japan. Now is the editor of Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access (UK) magazine, ISSN Impact Factor 0.96, which was founded in 1962. Pediatric Disease (Singapore) Associate Editor, Journal of neonatal and pediatric medicine, (USA) Journal of Neonatology and Pediatrics, Polish Pediatrics, Nepal Pediatrics Editor, more than 10 in the United States and Britain, European Pediatrics, Italy, Russia, India, etc. The State has published more than 10 articles, and the People's Health Publishing House has published six books including the "Pediatric Emergency Handbook, Pediatric Common Diseases, Kawasaki Disease", the Sino-Japanese Kawasaki Disease Research Project, and the China-Italy Diarrhea Disease Research Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

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Peer Review
Editor's Decision