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Editor Name: Hideharu Shintani

Designation: Guest Professor

University: Chuo University

Country: Japan

Biography: Prof and Dr. Hideharu Shintani have received his PhD in Kyoto University during the period of 1972-1977. 1977-2008, He has been working for Government Official at the National Institute of Health Science, Department of Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Labor, Welfare. 2009-today, he is working as Guest Professor in Chuo University. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as Japan delegate of ISO TC 198 and ICH. He has authored Bioinstrumentation and Biosensors, 1990, Ohio Science Workbook Polymers, 1994, Analytical Applications of Immobilized Enzyme Reactors, 1994, Sterilization Systems 1995, Adsorption and its Application in Industry and Environmental Protection, 1998; Handbook of Analytical Application of Capillary Electrophoresis, 1996. Sterilization and Disinfection by Plasma –Sterilization Mechanisms, Biological and Medical Applications, 2011 research books. He is a member of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs, Society of Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Society of Analytical Chemistry, Society of Pharmaceutical Science. Gas Plasma Sterilization in Microbiology: Theory, Applications, Pitfalls and New Perspectives, 2016 from Caister Academic Press.

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