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Editor Name: Hugh Gong

Designation: Professor

University: University of Manchester

Country: Uk


Hugh Gong currently working as Professor in School of Materials, Sackville Street Building at The University of Manchester.
Academic journal publications
1. Wei, Y., Gong, R. H., Su, Z., Wang, X. and Ding, X. Optimization and performance evaluation of silk fabrics dried in the domestic dryer. Accepted 06 Aug 2017. Journal of Textile Institute. DOI:
2. Wei, Y.,Gong, R. H.,Ning, L. & Ding, X. Research on physical properties change and damage behaviour of cotton fabrics dried in drum-dryer. Accepted, 16 May 2017,Journal of Textile Institute.DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2017.1333668.
3. Jiao, M., Ren, D., Diao, Q., Gong, R. H., Yang, K. & Cao, J. Effect of Monophenyl Borate on Properties of High-ortho Phenolic Fibers. Fibers and Polymers. 18 (2017), 5, p. 875-881. DOI: 10.1007/s12221-017-6972-7.


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