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Editor Name: Ji-Liang Li

Designation: Professor

University: Plymouth University

Country: UK


Dr.Ji-Liang Li is received his PhD,Molecular Medicine,London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene,University of London,UK.He obtained MMed,Medicine from Sun Yat-Sen University College of Medicine,Guangzhou,China.He is working as Deputy Lab Head/Tenured Scientist,Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine from University of Oxford,UK in 2007-2015.Present he is a Professor & Chair of Cancer Immunology in Plymouth University Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

Research interests:focuses on tumour microenvironment and translational cancer medicine. By employing a variety of approaches including molecular biology,cell biology,immunology,proteomics,next-generation sequencing,bioinformatics, animal models,human tumour samples and relevant clinical data,my research is dedicated to delineate mechanisms on how key molecules(such as microRNAs,lncRNAs,and RN181 E3 ligase),signalling pathways (such as Notch signalling),tumour cells, and tumour stromal cells (such as endothelial cells,infiltrating lymphocytes,tumour-associated macrophages.

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Peer Review
Editor's Decision