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Editor Name: Jose Luis Calvo-Guirado

Designation: Professor

University: Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Country: Chile


Prof. José Luis Calvo-Guirado, is Bi-Doctor in Dentistry and Bioingenieering of Biomaterials, also I´m Full-Professor Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry. I´m an Associate Researcher of Universidad Autónoma de Chile, also Volunteer Research Professor at School of Dental Medicine at Stony Brook University in New York, Visiting Professor of Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry at Belgrade University in Serbia, Visiting professor of Implant Dentistry Specialization at Catholic University of Córdoba Argentine and Visiting Professor of Tito Maiorescu  of Bucarest, Rumania.

Research member of BIO-TISSUE Research Group. Instituto Murciano de Investigacion Biomédica ( IMIB- Carlos III)

His recognized international expertise based in Oral Surgery, Dental Implants, Bone Substitutes, Animal Research and Digital Technologies. I´m an author of more than 265publications in PubMed and 350 manuscripts in non JCR Journals.  He is an author of 7 Books and Co-authors of other 8 scientific books.

I´m in the position 41st Worldwide in Dental Implantation Ranking in the Expertscape  Web Ranking, also in position 9th in Bone Implant Interface Ranking in the Expertscape  Web Ranking

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision