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Editor Name: Krzysztof Szamalek

Designation: Professor and Scientist

University: Warsaw University

Country: Poland


I am an expert in economic geology, mineral economy as well as geological and mining law with a broad experience in mineral politics. I have held the position of the secretary of state responsible for the national geological policy for a total of eight years, during which I have created the national policy of mineral raw material security and concession strategy and represented Poland at the International Seabed Authority (including as elected chairman of the Eastern European Countries Group, 1995-1997) as well as at the InterOceanMetal Joint Organization (IOM).
I am a Member of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) which implements an enforceable professional code of ethics. I am holder of the professional title – European geologist nr 492 and an independent Competent Person under the definitions set out in the 2004 JORC Code.
I have published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, addressing issues such as exploration and extraction concessions, economic geology and geological and mining law, mineralogy as well as books dedicated to the topic of Poland’s concession policy, exploration and mining of marine minerals. 

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision