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Editor Name: Luka Popovic

Designation: Research Professor

University: Belgrade Astronomical Observatory

Country: Serbia

Biography: Luka Č. Popović is a Research professor (Full professor) Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade.  He started scientific work in field of plasma physics (Stark broadening of lines), and continue in the Stellar physics. Now he is working in the field of spectroscopy of extragalactic objects (Active galaxies, accretion discs, gravitational lens, etc.). The results of research have been published in  more than 400 references, from which more than 100 are with IF > 1 (the source ADS; search Popovic, L.C. - astronomy and physics). The H index is 26, and papers are cited more than 1300 times (without self-citation). He is cited more than 2300 times.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision