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Maha Mazhar Mohamad Saif - Editor

Journal of Cancer Study & Research

Editor Name: Maha Mazhar Mohamad Saif

Designation: Associate Consultant Of Medical Oncology, Hematology & Internal Medicine

University: Mansoura University

Country: Egypt


Dr. Maha Mazhar Mohamad Saif is an associate consultant and Lecturer of medical oncology & hematology; Faculty of Medicine; Mansoura University; Adult medical oncology Unit, Oncology Center; Mansoura University; tertiary oncology hospital services from 25-06-2018 till now.

Has an M.D (doctorate degree of medical oncology), Faculty of Medicine; Mansoura University from 26-09-2012 till 18-05-2018. She is a Member of European Society for medical oncology (ESMO) and has attending many international seminars and conferences.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision