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Editor Name: Marina Piscopo

Designation: Professor of Molecular Biology

University: University of Naples Federico II

Country: Italy

Biography: Dr Marina Piscopo is Adjunct Professor of Molecular Biology (BIO11 SSD) and pertains to  Department of Biology of University of Naples Federico II. She has been relator for about 150 thesis of molecular biology. Her scientific interest is directed to the study of histone proteins, histone variants and Sperm Nuclear Basic Proteins (SNBP) under the aspect of structure; DNA binding; regulation of genes related and antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activities. She collaborates with italian and foreign scientists and her research works, published in widely international journals, have been object of invitation as a speaker at national and international conferences. From many years her main interest areas are: 1) The research and characterization of new natural cationic molecules (from animal or plant source) with antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activities. 2) the study, by biomolecular  approaches, of the effects of heavy metals on the reproductive health of humans and marine organisms.. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision