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Editor Name: Pistek Antonin

Designation: Professor

University: Brno University of Technology (BUT)

Country: Czech Republic


Pistek Antonin is a Professor at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME),Brno University of Technology(BUT)
Vice -Director of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering.    
Research Activities
Design of small transport aircraft L-410, LET, Aircraft Works, Kunovice, CZ, Manager of Stress Analyses Group. 
Development of the software package for aircraft load distribution and for stress analyses of aircraft structures (SAVLE), (SOFEM), LET, Aircraft Works, Kunovice, CZ, head of team.
Chief Designer of  40 seat commuter L610 aircraft, LET, Aircraft Works, Kunovice, CZ
Project Manager of small aircraft Z80 and Z90 in Moravan Otrokovice, CZ 
Chief Designer of EVEKTOR Ltd. Kunovice, external cooperation            

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision