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Rawhi A. Omar - Editor

Journal of Vaccines

Editor Name: Rawhi A. Omar

Designation: Professor

University: University Of Louisville School Of Medicine

Country: USA

Biography: Dr Omar is currently the Chief of Path & Lab Medicine Service at the US Dept of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Louisville, KY (since 1993) and a tenured Professor of Pathology & Lab Medicine at the University of Louisville Med School (since 1997). He is also the current College of American Pathologists’ KY State Commissioner for Lab Accreditation and had served for several years as a member of the CAP-Accreditation Education Committee. He has been recognized by CAP as a distinguished lab accreditation inspector as he had conducted (and continues to conduct) numerous local (USA) and International (around the World) lab inspections and to lecture on Lab Quality Management topics on behalf of the CAP. Dr Omar has been teaching medical students and pathology residents, practicing diagnostic Anatomic and Molecular Pathology and conducting biomedical research in the area of cellular stress as it applies to human cytodegenerative (e.g., neurodegenerative) disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. He has numerous publications in this field.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision