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Sasidharan Sreenivasan - Editor

Journal of Vaccines

Editor Name: Sasidharan Sreenivasan

Designation: Researcher

University: University Sians Malayasia

Country: Malaysia

Biography: Sreenivasan Sasidharan has completed his PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007. He is the Associate Professor in Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine of Universiti Sains Malaysia, a public University in Malaysia. He has over 160publications with total impact factor of 180 (more than 1000 citation), multiple book chapters, significant grant support, and over 100 posters/abstracts at national and international meetings as well as Organizer, Keynote, Invited Speaker and chair of International & National Congresses. Has been serving as an Editorial Board Member and Reviewer of international journals, local and international research grants. He reviewed more than 150 manuscript for international journal. His research interests include medicinal plants and their role in Health and Disease Management, Molecular Mechanisms and Biology.

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