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Editor Name: Shahidul Islam

Designation: Formulation Technologist

University: Prinova Solutions Europe Ltd

Country: UK


Dr. Shahidul Islam holds a BSc in Food Engineering, an MSc in Food Science and Technology and a Ph.D. in Food Bioscience and Biotechnology. He has an accomplished career with over 15 years of industrial experience demonstrating consistent success as an Industrial Research Scientist, Process and Product Developer, and Production Management in world-leading companies such as Pepsi, GSK Nutrition, and Abbott Nutrition. Currently, he is working in Prinova Solutions Europe Ltd as a Formulation Technologist. He is experienced in graduate and undergraduate student tutoring and mentoring in different countries through communication in 4 different languages: English, Bengali, Chinese, and Japanese.

Research Interests:
Dr. Shahidul Islam’s current research interests include sports nutrition, bioactive compounds, nutraceuticals in human health, food and beverage engineering, processing methods, food chemistry, and new processing technologies.

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision