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Sung Hyuk Choi - Editor

Journal of Vaccines

Editor Name: Sung Hyuk Choi

Designation: Professor and Head

University: Korea University

Country: Korea South

Biography: Choi, Sung-hyuk, the Professor of Emergency Medical Center, the Korea University Guro Hospital was appointed as an instructor for the Guro Fire Department paramedics. Instructing doctors for paramedics carry out evaluation work once a week for field treatment for patients being transported by 119 paramedics for cardiac arrest and resuscitation of treatment for severe trauma. Professor Choi, Sung-hyuk, as the instructing doctor is expected to continue to increase the reliability of fairness in first aid activities, such as helping a medical professional as 119 paramedics. In addition, he is expected to contribute significantly to improve the quality of first aid techniques and emergency activities to provide high quality services to the people. Professor Kim Jung Youn of Emergency Medical Center, who attended with Professor Choi, to the appointment will also help lead daily assessment of logs, fire fighters emergency medical training, and activity on ambulance ride.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision