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Editor Name: Tao Jin

Designation: Research Associate

University: Louisiana State University

Country: USA


My name is Tao Jin. I graduated from Iowa State University with my Chemical Engineering PhD and now I’m a research associate at Louisiana State University. I am writing to get your recommendation so I can be selected as a reviewer for MJAES. My PhD research was about discovery of design strategies for enabling pyrolytic sugars tolerance and utilization by Escherichia coli for biofuel production. My latest research field focuses on determine the viability of Orbiviruses within white‑tailed deer and the associated transmission vectors Culicoidies populations as well as the studies on larval habitat sampling to identify overwintering stages of different Culicoides species, potential presence of Orbiviruses, and the available invertebrate food chain associated with larval stages of Culicoides. 

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision