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Editor Name: Tsygankova Victoria

Designation: Principal researcher

University: Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and NAS

Country: Ukraine

Biography: Dr. Biol. Sci., Principal researcher, Senior staff scientist; b. Kyiv, Ukraine, MS, Nat. Pharm. Acad. Ukraine, Kharkov, 1991; PhD in Biological Sci. (Plant Physiology), Inst. Plant Physiology and Genetics NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, 2003; Rsch. asst. geriatric pharmacology dept. Inst. Gerontology Med. Acad. Scis., Kyiv, 1993–97; Sr. staff asst. Inst. Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Nat. Acad. Scis., 2001–13; Dr. Biol. Sci. (Biotechnology), Inst. Food Biotech. and Genomics, Nat. Acad. Scis., 2014. Principal researcher head of group of screening ofsynthetic compounds  Inst. Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Nat. Acad. Scis., 2014-18; Contbr. articles to profl. jours. and monographs, innovations in plant biotechnology. Mem.: User Acad. Mendeley and, Internat. Assn. Svc., Am. Soc. Plant Biologists, Vavilov Soc. Geneticists and Breeders of Ukraine - Inst. Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine.

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