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Editor Name: Xingguo Xiong

Designation: Associate Professor

University: University of Bridgeport

Country: United States of America

Biography: Xingguo Xiong is an associate professor in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Bridgeport, CT. He obtained his B.S. in Physics in 1994 from Wuhan University, China. He obtained his first Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering in July 1999 from Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He obtained his second Ph.D degree in Computer Engineering in July 2005 from University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. His research area includes MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems), nanotechnology, as well as low power VLSI design and VLSI testing. He has two patents and co-edited one book. He has published two book chapters and 84 conference/journal papers. He is the recipient of Recipient of 2009 Northeast ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education) Outstanding Teacher Award.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision