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Editor Name: Yiming Ha

Designation: Professor

University: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Country: China

Biography: Yiming Ha is a Professor at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China.

Research Areas
- International standards tracking and information service for farming industry
Tracking the standards of agricultural products processing of main trade countries and key industries and the standards of agricultural products preliminary processing of foreign countries the international food labeling standards, then Analysis and early-warning for standards put forward the measurement and suggestion of developing.
- The Control of Food Biological Toxin Pollution and Early Warning Technology of the Radioactive Pollution
Development of analytical methods for detection of biological toxin pollution and the efficient methods to remove biological toxin in agro-products, Characterize and evaluate the toxicity of radiolysis products.
- Preservation Techniques for Agro-Products
Developing green biological preservative technology, Extracting antibacterial active ingredient from organism, Developing new complex biological material for food preservation ,Sustained-release technology on agro-products preservation, research about trans fatty acids in edible oils

Publication Cycle →

Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision