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Yinghong Xiao - Editor

Journal of AIDS

Editor Name: Yinghong Xiao

Designation: Associate Specialist

University: University of California

Country: USA

Biography: I have a broad background in molecular biology, cell biology and virology with specific training and expertise in RNA virus replication, viral evolution, viral pathogenesis and vaccine development. I have been worked in Professor Raul Andino’s lab in university of California, San Francisco as a postdoctoral researcher for five years. During that time I was a key member of projects founded by NIH (Mechanism of enterovirus replication), by DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and poliovirus vaccine by Gates foundation (New poliovirus vaccine development). Enteroviruses are linked to numbers of important human diseases (poliomyelitis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, etc), my research includes study the mechanisms of picornavirus replication and their pathogenic consequences for infected hosts. Understanding the evolutionary, molecular basis and biological implications of viral RNA recombination and its relationship to virus diversity, evolution and pathogenesis.

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Editor's Decision