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Editor Name: Zhu Yao Hua

Designation: Professor

University: Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Country: China

Biography: Dr. Zhu Yao Hua served as a professor in research institutes and Universities. He completed his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 1983, in Metallurgy and Material Science, and was conferred Doctor of Science (DSc), 2006, in Engineering and Applied Science at Aston University, UK. Over 113 peer reviewed journal articles, constituting systematic and original researches, have been published, covering various aspects of physical metallurgy, mechanical metallurgy, electro-physical metallurgy and electro-mechanical metallurgy.

Dr. Zhu Yao Hua’s research interest involves Materials Science – Physical metallurgy; phase transformation and structure development, processing, properties of metals and alloys; external stress induced phase transformation and microstructural changes; nanophase stability, electropulsing induced phase transformations and their effects on mechanical and conductive properties of nanofilms of alloys, transparent conductive oxides and thermoelectric materials, semiconductors.

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Quality Check
Peer Review
Editor's Decision